Using Postman Application

In order to test eStreaming API credentials and confirm connectivity Postman can be used.

  1. Open Cache folder in Collections Section.

2.Select the required method for sending eStreaming API request. The following subsections provide further insights into the structure of requests and reponses:



Allows to aggregate shopping results and build pricing database based on general shopping query with point of sale included.

Provides shopping results based on general shopping request within designated time period from specific point (s) of sale. Allows to analyze prise fluctuations, off- peak and price jumps for specific destinations

Contains the cheapest pricing options for all flights operated from defined city or airport on desirable dates.

Provides the lowest price for a selection of destinations from predefined departure point.

Provides the cheapest pricing options for designated city/airport pair witihin specified time period and desirable minimum/maximum stay days.

Provides ability to get the cheapest pricing option for return journey within pre-defined date range

  1. Each eStreaming API GET request contain a number of required parameters described in detail within the relvant topic. In order to change the default value for each parameter it is necessary to edit the relevant field in Params Section and click Save button when done.

  1. Click Send button to transmit new request.

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