Fly From with options API
Provides the lowest price for a selection of destinations from predefined departure point.
Fly From with options request
Sample request (type: GET)
Request parameters
The following table illustrates the minimum required data for Fly From API with Options request.
Name | Example | Description |
pointOfSale | UA | Country ISO code where shopping request was generated |
minDepartureDate | 2017-01-01 | The earliest possible journey departure date |
maxDepartureDate | 2017-01-07 | The farthest possible journey departure date |
origin | IEV | City IATA code where the journey begins (do not use airport code) |
destination | PRG,WAW,BRU | City IATA code where the journey ends(do not use airport code) |
minStay | 5 | Minimum number of days which should be spent at the point of destination before return journey |
maxStay | 10 | Maximum mumber of days to be spent at the poing of destination before return journey |
Fly From with options response
Response sample (application/json)
Response parameters
Please find below response elements for FlyFrom with Options API:
Name | Data type | Description |
status | string | Can be "success" or "error". Indicates an error while validating input params and while processing warehouse response. If the status is "error" then errorMessage is provided |
dataAvailable | boolean | If value false is returned data is not avialable either because too distant dates indicated or some mandatory parameters not specified. In the latter case errorMessage is provided |
requestId | string | Provides id for a API call |
executionTimeInMs | number | Indicates execution time on amazon servers without time taken to transfer data in and out |
originalRequest | object | Indicates parsed request from user |
pointOfSale | string | Country ISO code where shopping request was generated. |
destination | string | List of IATA codes indicating destination points, divided by comma |
minDepartureDate | date | The earliest possible journey departure date |
maxDepartureDate | date | The farthest possible journey departure date |
minStay | number | Minimum number of days which should be spent at the point of destination before return journey |
maxStay | number | Maximum mumber of days to be spent at the poing of destination before return journey |
Upon decompression of base64GzippedResponse and JSON data display the user should be able to view object contaning the following fields:
Name | Example | Description |
Destination | WAW | Destination code |
Direct/Connected | Indicates whether proposal contains direct or connected flights | |
lastModified | 2017-03-20T12:25:02.943Z | Time in UTC format when data had been received from Travelport eStreaming |
recordAgeInMs | 95917847 | Milliseconds passed from the moment, when data has been received |
amount | 8820 | Pricing offer amount |
currency | UAH | The currency of the PointofSale country. |
validatingCarrier | PS | IATA code of plating carrier |
originalRequest | 20171105IEVWAW20171110WAWIEV | Contains parsed request from user |
Legs | 1 | Flight connection indicator |
This object contains the following parameters:
Name | Example | Description |
Origin | IEV | IATA code of airport/city where the journey begins |
Destination | WAW | IATA code of airport/city where the journey ends |
Last updated